I’m very happy with my Zoleo. Last summer I did quite a bit of research and concluded that for what I needed Zoleo made more sense.. it was only $150 on sale and plans are very reasonable IMO. It is very basic- send/ receive texts/ location with your phone. The app works great. The only thing you can send without your phone, is a preset message from your phone or an SOS.
If you want a more stand alone unit that you can text with, you need an Inreach. Also think the Inreach has more gps capabilities?
For what it’s worth, the caribou outfitter we went with in AK was all off grid and all the staff used Zoleo. They are constantly communicating with hunters in the field and said they have no complaints.. they did say it seems like Zoleo is faster with sending and receiving messages than Inreach, but that’s probably not a big deal for most people.