I dont see why they would. One there main selling points is that they dont use an O-ring. But who knows. I currently shoot T-3's so i certainly hope they dont change them.
I hear they are supposed to release them sometime in mid Aug. Perfect timing. Nothing like giving people time to play with them. If they are going to switch.
I hope not! At this point the t3 is the ONLY expandable i would shoot, and i plan on shooting it for deer and smaller sized game this year. If this is true im going to go stock up!
I dont think they are doing away with the t3, however they are producing a rage style head called the havoc witch is supposed to be out this summer, ill be staying clear of that one.
I think the Spider Clip method can work fine...But like anything else you know your gonna have tons of people complaining that they don't work when in reality those people have not assembled them right to begin with. It is something that can be screwed up pretty easily if your not careful and there are plenty of people out there who can break an iron anvil with a toothpick.