TL;DR: The X-S10 does everything I would need or want a camera to do. Biggest reason I would consider spending more for the X-T4 is for weather resistance of X-T4.
Any opinions on how important weather resistance is going to be, assuming I don't abuse the camera and am responsible about not exposing it to the elements when I shouldn't? Obviously will use it outdoors, which will include backcountry skiing in winter, backpacking/mountaineering in summer, in addition to taking pics of animals. Any insights appreciated. Thanks!
Any opinions on how important weather resistance is going to be, assuming I don't abuse the camera and am responsible about not exposing it to the elements when I shouldn't? Obviously will use it outdoors, which will include backcountry skiing in winter, backpacking/mountaineering in summer, in addition to taking pics of animals. Any insights appreciated. Thanks!