FS: Stone Glacier Solo


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Mar 8, 2012
$450 TYD



No smells, has some trail dust but they don't show in pictures so it really isn't consequential.

Medium 3 piece belt, or I can include the original one piece belt with the pad on it.

This pack is in good condition, but it has been used

PM me with questions. First I will take it gets it.
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Hi there,

Two questions: What size is it ? Small, medium, large etc.

And would you ship it to Christchurch, New Zealand via UPS at my expense ?

Cheers man. :) Also, I'm new to this forum (joined up to surf the classifields initially) but I've really enjoyed browsing this forum for the past 1/2 hour. Might stick around ! I'm 'Vegeman' on Archery-Talk.

Anyhow, have a nice Xmas, and if the specs of this bag are suitable for me I'll gladly take it off your hands.
Vegeman, if you are willing to cover shipping I will send it wherever. PM me if you want it and we will work out details.
Bump this up, $440.00 TYD continental US.

The belt fits my 36 inch waist, I also have the ORIGINAL belt and pad.
I can't believe this hasn't sold for this price!

Must be because it's Christmas time.

Agreed sreekers this is a great bag at a great price!
I would pick it up, if it wasn't the holiday season. I'm broke as a joke. Bump for views. Someone snag this