Fruit Juices Beat Sports Drinks for Exercisers by Dr. Mirkin

May 12, 2018
@Jorgensen.travis: sorry to hear you didn’t enjoy the podcast, man. You’re definitely onto something when you suggested we should consider the food we ate “5 hours ago as fueling our performance.” Heck, I’d argue you need to consider food eaten days and even a week before a high endurance activity. This, coupled with activity, truly paints the best picture in trying to determine how “well fueled” a person is. This is true of carbs, proteins, and fats. Try as we might, there is no outsmarting the body. It will pull and convert other energy sources into the energy it needs to keep you alive.

For what it’s worth, I don’t recommend a “high carb diet” for the average American-no matter how fit they are. I also don’t think carbs deserve the reputation they’ve earned. I can promise you America’s obesity epidemic is not from our excess consumption of apples, bananas, and sweet potatoes.

@elkstabber: I really appreciate your kind words and am glad you enjoyed the podcast. Thanks for listening. You’re right, we don’t know each other, but I’d buy you a burger I’d youre ever in Idaho :)

@Fatcamp: “gluconeogenesis that occurs when fat and protein are used to produce glucose take much longer to occur versus the use of carbohydrates.”

“It’s really important to realize individuals have different reactions to Intake.”

“Tailor it to what works best for you.”

Bingo! Well said, man. All great points and appreciate your thoughtful reply about the podcast.

@Poser: sounds like a solid, well-balanced take on nutrition.

Have a great day, everyone!