From the freezer to the oven


Jul 28, 2022
Albuquerque, NM
Hello all. I am excited to join the Rokslide Community. I am originally from AK and grew up hunting moose, caribou, and two bear hunts. After graduating from high school I moved to NM. Definite culture shock! I was away from hunting for years and in 2017 the itch became to much so I bought a bow and I have been getting back in to it. I got a lot of time to make up and a lot to learn about these deserts. The differences between what I am surrounded by now compared to what I grew up with are astounding. Back home I never had an issue putting an animal down. I'm going on 5 years hunting here and the best I have to show so far is a turkey from 2021. I am looking forward to interacting with you and increasing my knowledge.
Hey I just moved to ABQ from Texas and eventually hope to end up in Alaska when my residency training is done! I’m just starting to dive into hunting and fishing here, if I get something figured out I’ll let you know!
NM has some great elk hunting so definitely take advantage of that! Don’t get discouraged just keep working at it.