From Portland, OR - New to hunting


Classified Approved
Sep 12, 2022
Happy to have found this forum, I live just outside Portland, OR. I am new to hunting, but I have hiked and backpacked throughout our beautiful Oregon and Washington state. I am preparing for an Elk hunt next year and appreciate if there are fellow experienced hunters who can mentor on the skills.
Good on you. Best of luck from another PDX'er!
Do you know if you are hunting next year in Oregon? WA? On the coast or East side?
Good on you. Best of luck from another PDX'er!
Do you know if you are hunting next year in Oregon? WA? On the coast or East side?
Thank you. Plan is to try in Oregon, where depends on how much I have learnt or going through an outfitter.
As the self-appointed chairman of the welcoming committee, it is my privilege to extend a laurel, and hearty handshake (virtual, of course) to our new member.

Welcome from south of the metro area. This has a been a great forum for me with many knowledgeable folks for advice. Best of luck on your hunt.
You can spend years reading. Hands on experience is the only way to learn how to elk hunt. Hunt Oregon diy it’s cheap for a resident. You are within two hours of elk hunting no matter the direction you go. if you want to go an outfitter route go to a state worth paying someone to take you.
I'm in the same boat. Always wanted to try hunting. What else are you doing to prepare - classes? Shooting range?
Welcome! born and raised in Portland, I live over near jantzen beach and the expo center. Hit me up if any of you local guys need the services of a local kitchen table FFL/SOT
Like said above, you can get all sorts of gear tips, theories and guidelines, but real life experience comes from the field. Best of luck!