Freeze Dryer Tips/Tricks/Recipes

Watch the technology connections video on YouTube about freeze driers. He talks about use case and if they are worth it or not but since you already pulled the trigger just ignore that part. The rest of the video is the science behind freeze drying and a bunch of tips and tricks which will help you out.
Watch the technology connections video on YouTube about freeze driers. He talks about use case and if they are worth it or not but since you already pulled the trigger just ignore that part. The rest of the video is the science behind freeze drying and a bunch of tips and tricks which will help you out.
I just watched it and he pretty much talked me out of it! Lol
Treeline Academy has an entire course on freeze dried food for the backcountry coming this spring.

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it is a large up front costs. I’ve definitely made my money back out of mine. If mine broke tomorrow to the point of can’t fix it I wouldn’t even second guess ordering another. I think the biggest thing is to do a cost analysis of how much you will use it. When I finally bit the bullet I was figuring I’ll be supplying my hunting buddy and I 2-3 weeks back country food. I never dreamed I’d have a cupboard of all kinds of veggies I can add water to instead of running to the store. Or work late and add water to spaghetti for dinner. I try to make a very large meal once a week to freeze dry left overs. Options are unlimited. If you aren’t into it tho don’t waste your money. I have a couple friends that bought them and don’t use them.
They are expensive but I’ll have mine paid off in the first year. With $200 of Costco bulk beef, rice, chicken, veggies, and fruit I’ve made well over $1000 worth of freeze dried food just in the first month.
Are you freeze drying the beef raw or cooked? I need to grind burger and plan on doing a bunch freeze dried raw this year to add water and cook in camp and at home. I haven’t done that yet I’m interested if you have come across any tips for freeze drying raw meat. Also on the rehydration
Are you freeze drying the beef raw or cooked? I need to grind burger and plan on doing a bunch freeze dried raw this year to add water and cook in camp and at home. I haven’t done that yet I’m interested if you have come across any tips for freeze drying raw meat. Also on the rehydration
I have been doing all cooked beef so far. I did a little research and it sounds like the only thing that people recommend freeze drying raw is eggs.