Free Turkeys - Leavenworth

Just looked it up, its real:ROFLMAO:

I live about 1 mile outside of Leavenworth, probably some transplant from the city knowing how this area is lately.

Seasons open through today though...
Eastern WA is filthy with them and the closer you get to Idaho, the worse it gets. I had a moose permit a number of years ago North of Spokane and you could not drive anywhere without seeing hundreds of them.
Ah yes, defending poaching. Real ethical.

Is it really poaching if it’s an introduced, non-native species that is tenfold over population goals and causes massive amounts of crop and livestock damage per year?

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I thought this craigslist post was my "WTF" moment of the day. Turns out I had two of those today.

Yes... It is poaching if you're killing a regulated species at will.

Sounds like there's a handful of surplus turkeys up there. I'm all ears if anyone has a spot...
Who would have guessed that the CL ad wouldn’t be the dumbest thing we read in this thread?
The game department should pay damages for what these bastard birds do. They shit on everything, the jakes get all stupid and chase the kids and state thinks we should pay them to kill the stinky things. At least Idaho is smart enough to know it's barely worth $5.00 for an out of state turkey tag.
Sounds like there's a handful of surplus turkeys up there. I'm all ears if anyone has a spot...
Same here! Love hunting spring birds. If anybody wants to PM me and send locations of where these scourges of the earth prowl during the spring season on public lands, I'll promise to do all I legally can. You got them on your private land, even better! Thanks!

(I mean, it's not like I'm asking for elk pins, right?)