Fraudulent credit card charges coinciding with Utah draw,...anyone else?

Jul 30, 2019
I am curious if anyone else has experienced the same issue as I have. Over the past three consecutive years after/during the Utah draw charges start hitting credit cards I have been victim of credit fraud. The first year it happened though I thought nothing of it, why would I. Sometimes it just happens. Second year, last year, it peaked my interest but honestly didn’t think much of it still. This year, I am beginning to see a repetitive pattern that at the very minimum has me concerned. Am I 100% certain the two are related......absolutely NOT. But it’s now happened three years in a row. Fortunately CHASE has been all over it when it happens and notifies me as it’s occurring and locks the card down before payment can be processed.

The charges this year were by NATIONAL OFFICE LIQUID in the amounts of $5,800 and then $8,651. I would love to think this was the company hired to disperse charges for successful TAGS but, even all of the OIL tags I applied for wouldn’t end up costing me this much and I would win the lotto before I drew all three OIL tags I applied for in the same year.

Just curious if anyone has experienced a similar issue. Once again, I am not certain the two are related but I am certain they have now occurred the past three consecutive years during the same time frame. No harm to me as I am not out any money, just the headache of getting a new card.
Nov 7, 2012
I had fraudulent charges 2 times now right after the NV draw. Never any coinciding with the UT draw though.