Found some old batteries on a peak?

Sep 28, 2017
So I'm hunting in NM near the border and I just happen to summit this peak. I found a bunch of batteries piled up just rotting in the sun. I found a trianglation station survey marker on the next peak over but I can't figure out what the batteries Are for It looks like 20 or so old batteries. Maybe usgi issue? Army Corp of engineer's project?
Maybe drug mules changing the batteries on their radios and gps units?

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What type of batteries? In the 1990s GPS survey equipment required batteries similar to car batteries. It was quite a chore for surveyors to lug them around to the middle of nowhere to collect GPS data for triangulation. Got us in good shape for hunting season though.
I can't post pictures. But they look to be encased green plastic. Very sun bleeched. It's a shame they were just left up there
No but I wasn't paid to pack them up their. And I shouldn't have to bear the responsibility of packing out 800 lbs plus of gear for some project.
No but I wasn't paid to pack them up their. And I shouldn't have to bear the responsibility of packing out 800 lbs plus of gear for some project.
Oh wow I didn't realize you were talking about that size of batteries! I just had in my mind a pile of double a or something. So we're they like car battery size? Yeah I'd be upset with that much trash left.

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No but I wasn't paid to pack them up their. And I shouldn't have to bear the responsibility of packing out 800 lbs plus of gear for some project.

BLM or forest land? Maybe you can call the local agency and report it to them for clean up?

I️ agree it’s frustrating to see things like this. I️ always feel a little guilty when I️ discover trash I’m unable to carry back while hiking/hunting.

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Illegal cannabis grow to run H2O pumps? Seems like a butt ton of batteries for that though. If public I would definitely contact the land manager.
Probably a multi-thousand dollar helicopter ride for some agency to go collect and dispose of them. Unsightly but not nuclear waste.

Nice looking country. Did you find your animal?
Probably a multi-thousand dollar helicopter ride for some agency to go collect and dispose of them. Unsightly but not nuclear waste.

Nice looking country. Did you find your animal?

No it was my first time muley hunting and I was not prepared for how they disappear right in front of you. ATV pressure I think kept them nocturnal. It wasn't until the last day of the hunt I started glassing them up but all does. ...Then on a hill about 1000 yards away some guys drive in and walk for 30 mins then shoot a fork and horn that was bedded down right in front of me.

When I was driving home my transmission leaked oil out and blew up so yeah this is an expensive hunt with no meat for me.
No it was my first time muley hunting and I was not prepared for how they disappear right in front of you. ATV pressure I think kept them nocturnal. It wasn't until the last day of the hunt I started glassing them up but all does. ...Then on a hill about 1000 yards away some guys drive in and walk for 30 mins then shoot a fork and horn that was bedded down right in front of me.

When I was driving home my transmission leaked oil out and blew up so yeah this is an expensive hunt with no meat for me.

Sorry to hear about your car troubles. We seem to share a common thread there. Last year it was $3K in the front end, this year $1500 in AC comp/fan clutch. I think next year I'll buy beef.