Found Binoculars

Testament to the hunter who cares about the sport and does the right thing... I'd LOVE to hear the owner gets them back.

I remember back in 1985 when the state police in New Mexico mailed my father to tell them they found a buck knife with his name on it. It was indeed his knife stolen in about 1975 or so. It's nice to know there are still PLENTY of goof folks (individuals who take an extra minute or two to do the right thing) out there.

Kudos to you sir! (y)
I just blame my mom for raising me with morals. It really is a love/hate relationship.

I will say, as I have tried to spread the word around town, I have been amazed at the number of people that have responded with something to the effect of "just keep them" or have been surprised anyone would even try to find the owners. I refuse to go to my grave with the label of being dishonest.
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I feel a twinge of regret when I lose a piece of brass :) imagine how the guy who lost his Bino’s feels. Hope you find him and he gets them back
I feel a twinge of regret when I lose a piece of brass :) imagine how the guy who lost his Bino’s feels. Hope you find him and he gets them back
Happened to me with a RangeFinder. Ugh.. I even went back and traced all my steps the next weekend, but I figure some other hunter came along and noticed it.
Years ago, I left a pair of Pentax 10x50s at a lookout in Palo Duro canyon near Amarillo. I had volunteered to take an elderly couple's photo and when they offered to return the favor, I took off my binoculars. Afterward, I drove off and out of the park. 45 minutes later, I stopped and reached for my binoculars. Not there! I grabbed my camera and looked at the last photo on it - of me at the lookout at Palo Duro... Sure enough, there they were, lying on the brick fence.

I raced back there. Gone. The visitors center was 20 years away but no one had turned them in. Sigh. (It wasn't the elderly couple...they left at the same time as me.)
My take is, you have done what you can to return them to the owner, good on you. Now if you don't need them and they are quality class, sell them and put money towards a new rifle.
This kind of stuff is awesome! I am new to rokslide and continue to be amazed at what I see on here. Awesome job man I hope you were able to find the owners!
This kind of stuff is awesome! I am new to rokslide and continue to be amazed at what I see on here. Awesome job man I hope you were able to find the owners!
Never did find the person. Even contacted the manufacture and had them reach out to who they were registered to and provided my information. Got a call a couple days later from that area code, they didn't leave a message and would never call me back.

Still have them and would still return them to the rightful owner if someone knows them. They are registered to a guy out of Idaho Falls, Idaho.
Never did find the person. Even contacted the manufacture and had them reach out to who they were registered to and provided my information. Got a call a couple days later from that area code, they didn't leave a message and would never call me back.

Still have them and would still return them to the rightful owner if someone knows them. They are registered to a guy out of Idaho Falls, Idaho.
Hey Corb, are you on any of the Idaho FB hunting pages?
Good on you. I found a young lady's wallet in Jackson WY. Had to track her down and when I did she was shocked anyone would go to the trouble. There was about $60.00 in the wallet and she told me to keep it.
I did not keep it - sent everything back via USPS. Few days later I get a gift certificate to a cool restaurant for $200.00.
Good on you. I found a young lady's wallet in Jackson WY. Had to track her down and when I did she was shocked anyone would go to the trouble. There was about $60.00 in the wallet and she told me to keep it.
I did not keep it - sent everything back via USPS. Few days later I get a gift certificate to a cool restaurant for $200.00.
I was in getting my tires rotated the other day and found a wallet in one of the chairs. Took it up to the desk and gave it to them. They looked in it to see who it was and it was a kid that had been in earlier and was serving a mission for his church. I laughed to myself a little while later when I was like “huh, if I took the cash that was in it, am I supposed to pay tithing on it?”
I know it’s been awhile but going to pop this one back up in the hopes that someone knows someone. Still have them and would love to get them returned.