Form Fridays


Dec 10, 2019
I motion the Shoot 2 Hunt podcast transition from Form Fridays to Form Monday, Wednesday, Fridays. After a late start I am sad I am about out of new content. I am surprised I still find the segment enjoyable after being exposed. I would have been the one to say a stray bullet out of my 0.5 moa three shot group was due to me not doing my part as opposed to admitting the actual precision of my gun. I feel like I have a much more realistic expectation of the new barrel I ordered after listening.
I have also accepted I have no business shooting over 600 yards. I think the same people who excuse their rifle from a stray bullet in a group are the same group who would rather take the blame for a 1000 yard miss instead of accepting the realities about first shot hit probabilities.
Would be cool to have more episodes, but I also don’t want junk content.
Too many podcasts start out great with lots of discussion of major issues, tactics, techniques, etc. But, after a year or two, they run out of actual good info to discuss and it just turns into talking about their favorite or sponsored equipment choices. Turns into fewer talks with experienced hunters and shooters and becomes just a way to advertise stuff to buy.

So keep up Form Friday’s, but don’t devolve into mostly gear discussion and product placement.