Help me out here guys. I read a lot about the legality of drawing your weapon, brandishing your weapon, etc. I am under the impression that if someone bigger than me gets in my face, pushes me, or threatens to hurt me, I should not draw until I've actually been engaged physically. I feel like I would need to engage in the fight first trying to defend myself with other means, hands, feet, knees, elbows, and be on the losing end where I'm being pulverized before I could draw. I know it sounds nuts. Right? Having to wait until someone is in the act of actually trying to kill you or hurt you badly to draw. But that's how I feel after reading all the legalese. If someone "charged" me and I drew my weapon, and it accidentally discharged, I would still probably be sent to prison. It's a tough call. Things happen fast. Trying to read the situation while adrenaline is flowing.