FNG here


May 3, 2023
FNG checking in. I’m from southwest oklahoma and hunt mainly traditional archery, with a lot of thermal rifle pig killing thrown in the mix. Lol


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As the self-appointed chairman of the welcoming committee, it is my privilege to extend a laurel, and hearty handshake (virtual, of course) to our new member.


P.S. You win the FNG gold star today for including pix with your intro post. (y)
sounds like a good mix- trad and somewhere far on the other end of the tech spectrum, thermal scoping. I like it
sounds like a good mix- trad and somewhere far on the other end of the tech spectrum, thermal scoping. I like it
About 4-5 years ago I shot a recurve bow for the first time. That was it for me, I sold the Mathews and dove into the rabbit hole. Traditional archery has re-ignited my passion for bowhunting. It’s extremely difficult, and in the beginning, “difficult” was the whole point of bowhunting for me.