FNG from PA


Feb 26, 2021
I’m from Central Pennsylvania, I’m 31 and this is my first year going bow hunting. I killed a Doe with a rifle when I was 16, I haven’t hunted since. I just purchased a Mission MRX 29/70 with 460 Grain GT Kinetic Kaos arrows. I am only hunting public land. My goal this year is to kill my first buck, good luck to all.
Also a newbie here on rokslide and from central Pa as well. Good luck on your quest for a public land whitetail!
Getting it done on PA public land! Awesome. Did You kill that today? I shot a Buck last year on the Sunday archery day.
As the self-appointed chairman of the welcoming committee, it is my privilege to extend a laurel, and hearty handshake (virtual, of course) to our new but old PA member.


P.S. Congrats on your buck. Good follow up by you deserves my unofficial welcome even if it is three years late and I was not posting these most coveted welcomes. :ROFLMAO: