FNG from Michigan's U.P.

As the self-appointed chairman of the welcoming committee, it is my privilege to extend a laurel, and hearty handshake (virtual, of course) to our new MI member.

Where in The U.P.? It must be in the snow belt. I have fished Big and Little Bay De Noc several times. I like it up there so much I came home one day and told her I'm moving to Upper Michigan. She said " I'll miss you ".
My nephew lives in Ironwood right on the Wisconsin boarder. He runs power plant there. they get several billion inches of snow most years. :) :)
Where in The U.P.? It must be in the snow belt. I have fished Big and Little Bay De Noc several times. I like it up there so much I came home one day and told her I'm moving to Upper Michigan. She said " I'll miss you ".
Up in the Keweenaw peninsula, the finger that juts up into Lake Superior