FNG from FCA


Aug 26, 2024
Saw there was a FNG thread and figured i better chime in. I've landed on RS via research from the google machine. Hell of a resource. Live, work, shoot, and hunt in Northern (like actually northern-not BayArea) California. Coming off two unsuccessful deer tags (B and X1) which I was really hoping to test the new 7PRC. Though it's already killed a few pigs and a bear with ease. Nice to meet you all.
As the self-appointed chairman of the welcoming committee, it is my privilege to extend a laurel, and hearty handshake (virtual, of course) to our new CA member.

Welcome from Sac Valley region. Hope you get to try the new 7 PRC soon
Thanks. Me as well. Gonna go check zero again today because I found the turret sitting 12 clicks up and cant figure out if it got tweaked somehow or if I didn't reset the cap after my last site it.