FNG from central KS


Jul 20, 2012
I did this backwards. Made a handful of posts, sold a few items; and then discovered the introduction page.

So a belated hello from the Center of the US (KS). Going to the neighbors means a 2 mile drive for me, and to town is a 17 mile hike when the roads are dry. I finally hunted the mountains 6 years ago after dreaming for many more prior. Now I'm hooked. Grew up farming and ranching. Outside of home raised beef, the rest of our meat intake is from what I harvest or catch. It's a family affair. Now with a wife and 3 young boys that support me, I'm off again to SW CO in 18 hours for 3rd season. I pick my brother up in Denver and then meet up with a couple of buddies from the eastern plains of CO.

My brother is a die hard archery guy, and wants me to pick up a bow again so we can put September on our future calendar.

Welcome, I just had the pleasure of traveling to Kansas for the first time a couple weeks ago for work. Mighty flat out there ;-)
Brock, then you know what you've been missing after your visit:D

We're short on mountains beyond Mt. Sunflower