Flying with Pelican 1750 or SKB Rifle Case?

Aug 17, 2015
Sorry I'm not sure what section this question belongs in..

To the guys that fly with a Pelican 1750 or SKB rifle case, have you ever been dinged for oversized luggage? What airlines do you/have you flown? As long as your keep it under 50#, do they ever give you a hard time?
I've flown dozens of times with the 1750 and SKB double bow case (Delta, SouthWest, American, etc). Never charged for oversize, don't think I have ever been challenged on it either.

Every carrier discloses what they consider "oversized" so be sure to check online and snap a photo before you head to the airport. If you've seen my post about Apple Airtags, you know I'm an advocate about dropping one of those in your luggage.
Agreed. I have both. Have flown on Alaska and United. No one has ever asked or challenged me on the over sized issue. No fees. I always packed it under 50lbs so not sure if being overweight and over sized would be the tipping point.
I think airlines consider a gun case “special sports equipment” and thus the max size is 126” (L+W+H). You will need to check the website for your airline and determine your specific circumstance. I’ve never had an issue with a gun case traveling both domestic and international.
I keep it under 50#. Never an issue. Usually run 2 locks, but last time they wanted all 4 lock positions to have locks. Wasn’t an issue as i carry 2 extra locks in the case.
Air Canada, SW, and AA. Never charged OS. I BELIEVE paying the extra "gun fee, or sporting goods fee" negates the oversize...
A week ago flying Delta out of MCO, at check-in I was told that my SKB Double Bow case was oversize (not overweight) and should be subject to an oversize fee. He said that it wasn't an archery specific case and a bow case is actually much smaller. Because they weren't going to charge me, I didn't argue it. But it is very much a case designed for either two bows or 4 long guns.

I've flown AA, SW, Delta, New Zealand Air, and a few random smaller planes operating on behalf of those airlines, with a Boyt double gun hard case actually a little bigger than yours and have had zero issues. Never even been brought up.
Air Canada, SW, and AA. Never charged OS. I BELIEVE paying the extra "gun fee, or sporting goods fee" negates the oversize...
I guess I never heard of the fee but a standard 2 gun hard cases are not even close to the oversize dimensions air lines have. They are like 115-125 inches and most hard sided 2 gun cases are in the 80-90" range total.
A week ago flying Delta out of MCO, at check-in I was told that my SKB Double Bow case was oversize (not overweight) and should be subject to an oversize fee. He said that it wasn't an archery specific case and a bow case is actually much smaller. Because they weren't going to charge me, I didn't argue it. But it is very much a case designed for either two bows or 4 long guns.

FWIW, I have the SKB double bow case and I've only flown on Delta without any extra charge. BUT - I have managed to keep it under 50lbs, and I always have to check it in via the special bag line/sporting equipment - and I also have status, so if any agent thought it merited an extra fee, he or she may have just skipped over that.

My case has six spots for locks, and after encountering one TSA agent who insisted on my doing so, I carry a lock for every spot when I have a firearm inside, and some extras inside (after having some of the locks disappear).
A week ago flying Delta out of MCO, at check-in I was told that my SKB Double Bow case was oversize (not overweight) and should be subject to an oversize fee. He said that it wasn't an archery specific case and a bow case is actually much smaller. Because they weren't going to charge me, I didn't argue it. But it is very much a case designed for either two bows or 4 long guns.

Had a similar experience flying United two years ago with the SKB double which was well under 50 lbs. I was threatened with the oversized fee due solely to the size of the case itself, but was not actually charged. The woman made sure to tell me she was doing me a favor and could charge me if she wanted to. I didnt argue with her.
I have flown a bunch of US and a few Candian airlines with an SKB double bow case and have never been charged for oversized or even had it mentioned. It has never been over 50#.

Someone posted up recently that SWA policy indicates that a gun case is subject to the same oversize restrictions as regular luggage, but I have never seen that enforced (never flew with only guns/no bows either).
Gun cases are like snowboards. Neither incur a charge unless the asshat at the counter thinks they want to try. Be sure to put locks in all 4 holes on your 1750. Be wary if they want to open outside your purview. Delta did this to me in Spokane and I filed a complaint. I know they technically “have to” there because of where they inspect, but this puts us at potential risk so wanted to put it on record.
SKB case probably is oversize and depends on the agent on if it is charged as such. I fly with an SKB iseries 4214, it is oversize, not weight, due to the linear length measurement. This has only been United. I pay the fee going to the hunt because I want avoid any chance of bow not showing up. I attempt normal baggage on way home, depends on agents if it is charged oversize or not.

SKB 4214 is 68.25”.
