Flying red mystery ranch guide light MT frame


Feb 5, 2014
Good morning, does anyone have experience with flying with a mystery ranch backpack with the guide light mountain frame? I plan to take my sawtooth as a carry on a bag and I’m unsure how one can fold the belt on it to fit into an overhead bin? Specifically, what do you do with the rigid wing like portions of the belt?
I flown to Alaska and back with my Marshall and checked my pack. The guidelight frame is to big as a carry on.

When checking it, I tightened down every strap and wrapped the waistbelt around the pack, backwards and clipped it. Then I put a black trash bag over it and taped it with duct tape both vertically and horizontally. I put a 5x7 note card on it with my name and phone number and tape the shit out it with packaging tape.

Worked for my trips, hope it helps.
Thank you. I saw multiple people carrying it on. Again, I might burn myself. My biggest issue are the rigid panels on the side of the newer guide light MT frame. Can those be folded one way or another?
I’ve carried my Guide Lite MT. It’s not great but doable on certain planes and certain gate agents. Others will make me gate check but I’m not as worried about that (put $ optics in your personal carry on).

The trick is to take the belt flaps and connect them on the backside of the pack. This makes it more “tubular”.