FL Sawtooth Hybrid Vest Experience?


Jan 2, 2023
I was thinking of picking up a Sawtooth Hybrid Vest from First Lite to wear over my Klamath hoodie for hunting whitetails during early bow season in the Midwest. My thought is that it would help me push that Klamath a little further into the season before I end up throwing a puffy or soft-shell on top. I hunt as active as I can but do end up hunting in a tree stand most of the time.

I was wondering if you guys had any experience with them? If you own one, do you like it? Do you wear it or did it eventually start staying in the closet?

I am a huge fan versatility and am super cheap (part necessity, part character flaw) This leads to me usually opting for gear that I could also wear doing other things, (backpacking, small game hunting, hiking, etc) so I am not really bought into the idea of buying much of FL’s Whitetail specific stuff because it all has such a specific purpose.

I know I can use the search function… but a lot of the posts were about people selling these (that might tell me what I need to know) or were older. Also, I’m a few posts or comments away from being able to post in the classifieds.


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Can't say anything about the sawtooth as I don't have one. I am a huge fan of vest for hunting and more so bow hunting. For me it adds warmth without adding bulk in the arms and when layering and having to draw or even shoulder a gun that is helpful. I almost never hunt without a vest on.
I have a sawtooth vest and like it. It adds a pretty good amount of warmth and breaths well if you’re moving. I also have a cheap puffy vest from Costco that is warmer and was only like $7 of $8. It doesn’t breathe as well, but is another option. I think it is a brand called 32 degrees, if I remember correctly. The Sawtooth is quieter.
It is quiet, breaths wells, is built with a nice collar, and all around a good piece. It's heavy for what it is, which would be negative obvoiusly. The other thing is the merino on the back; if it gets wet, it'll take a good bit to dry out. It's a good piece and quite excellent at temperature regulation though.
I’m also thinking it may be worth waiting to see if they come out with a vest version of the Source Jacket. I haven’t heard or seen anything hinting at that but it would make sense.

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The sawtooth vest is a very versatile piece of kit. The back side is only merino so when you’re on the move with a backpack, your back won’t t overheat. The insulation is all on the shoulders and chest, if you get warm, simply unzip and dump the heat.
Its plenty quiet for whitetail hunting. I’ve also found the material on the front side does a good job of blocking wind.
The soft lined, oversized front pockets are a huge plus!
Honestly not sure why more people don’t rave about both the sawtooth and vest.
Here is my whitetail kit that will cover active moving then stationary in a tree up to all day, temps ranging from 60’s down to high 30’s. . Wick hoodie, klamath, sawtooth vest, Origin hoodie. As long as my feet stay warm Im comfortable and very quiet drawing a bow.
I love mine. Bought a used one on here to try out, liked it enough that when FL had a sale I bought another for me and one for the wife. As previously mentioned, its a little heavy for the amount of warmth it provides when compared to a puffy. Really like the wool on the back, seems to wick sweat real good with a pack on. I'll probably pick up a sawtooth jacket sometime as well
You've probably seen this if youre already thinking about getting one, but they're on sale right now on First Lites website. 20% off
I don't have one, but I love vests and my long sleeved Sawtooth...

Planning on picking one up for next season.
I have the sawtooth jacket. It’s good for temperature regulation and works really well with a backpack due to placement of insulation (front) and merino (back). I do have one complaint. The insulated panels on the chest and shoulders don’t stretch or move so it feels restricted when drawing a bow.
I was thinking of picking up a Sawtooth Hybrid Vest from First Lite to wear over my Klamath hoodie for hunting whitetails during early bow season in the Midwest. My thought is that it would help me push that Klamath a little further into the season before I end up throwing a puffy or soft-shell on top. I hunt as active as I can but do end up hunting in a tree stand most of the time.

I was wondering if you guys had any experience with them? If you own one, do you like it? Do you wear it or did it eventually start staying in the closet?

I am a huge fan versatility and am super cheap (part necessity, part character flaw) This leads to me usually opting for gear that I could also wear doing other things, (backpacking, small game hunting, hiking, etc) so I am not really bought into the idea of buying much of FL’s Whitetail specific stuff because it all has such a specific purpose.

I know I can use the search function… but a lot of the posts were about people selling these (that might tell me what I need to know) or were older. Also, I’m a few posts or comments away from being able to post in the classifieds.


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I love the sawtooth vest, I probably wear it more than anything I own for hunting clothes. My first one I wore to shreds and ordered a new one last winter. One of my favorite and most versatile hunting attire

Early archery season I wear it most mornings until it gets warm, and always have it with me all year.

I can’t recall ever not having it on or with me since I got my first one. It’s merino, so not the most durable article of clothing, but that’s the nature of any merino. It’s 100% my favorite hunting vest I have had.

I will always have one as long as they keep making them.