First Time Elk Hunters

leaving in a little over a week for my first trip out west for elk. I’m 27, been wanting to go for the last couple years and really decided to make it work this year. Also found out in April that the wife is due in January so that pretty much sealed the deal that I had to make the trip this year.
Well I'm a 2nd time Elk hunter. The first time I went was 25 years ago and that was an archery hunt. This is my 1st Rifle hunt. I'm 60 now and this hunt started out as a Father/Son hunt. I figured it would be the last time my Son and I would have a chance to do a major hunt like this since he is in the Army. Then my Brother got in on it and unfortunately my Son had to back out. He's going to a school that is mandatory for promotion and can't reschedule it. So now my Brother and I are going.
This will be my first year archery elk hunting, but I got my feet wet last year rifle hunting later in the season. I wanted to bow hunt this year to get in on the rut and not freeze my butt off. I also have been bow hunting in VA since I was 12 years old and really enjoy it.

I’m fortunate to have some good mentors who have been elk hunting for a long time. I love the adventure and scenery of western hunting as it’s so different from the hardwoods and pines I grew up in.
leaving in a little over a week for my first trip out west for elk. I’m 27, been wanting to go for the last couple years and really decided to make it work this year. Also found out in April that the wife is due in January so that pretty much sealed the deal that I had to make the trip this year.
Nothing motivates you like a baby on the way!
It's not my first, but my hunting partner is hunting elk for the first time. I'm looking forward to seeing the experience through his eyes even though I have yet to down an animal myself.
Leaving Friday to go on my first archery hunt, elk hunt, western hunt, first for anything other than sitting in a blind looking at a feeder waiting for whitetail to walk up.

Wanted to do this for years. After a rough bout with mental health earlier in the year I needed something to focus me and give me some direction, and this was it.

Can't wait. Good luck to everyone, and if the internet is to be believed I'll see most of you at the trailhead.

To answer the original question - I'm your basic middle aged white guy who listened to Joe Rogan, got introduced to Cam Hanes and John Dudley, and the rest is history.
Heading out for my first rifle elk hunt Sept 19-25. General tag in a zone where there’s tons of elk. There’s actually 3 zones all beside each other where about 750 bulls get killed each year. Lots of opportunity.

My cousin has land bordering the public and has cows and bulls on trail cam right now.

Plan is to park trucks at her place and backpack in a couple miles and sleep with the elk.

I have bow hunted elk twice before with no success. Only saw elk the second trip.
Heading out for my first rifle elk hunt Sept 19-25. General tag in a zone where there’s tons of elk. There’s actually 3 zones all beside each other where about 750 bulls get killed each year. Lots of opportunity.

My cousin has land bordering the public and has cows and bulls on trail cam right now.

Plan is to park trucks at her place and backpack in a couple miles and sleep with the elk.

I have bow hunted elk twice before with no success. Only saw elk the second trip.
Do you know for sure that there are more elk a couple miles in, than right there beside the truck where you can have a comfy camp and be mobile?
Heading out on my first elk hunt this year with my dad @TN93 . Dad has always wanted to go and finally had the days off and funds this year. Neither of us have been out west hunting before so are looking forward to the trip.
No advice on unit. But second the notion to stay mobile. Move until you find them. Everyone wants to go deep and you might find some closer to a road than you think. I?d look steep and nasty before deep. Novice here so take it for what it's worth.
Last year was my first ever hunt (rifle.) This year will be my first year archery.

I had no clue what I was getting into last year. Excited to keep learning. I know archery will be harder than I thought, but I'm so excited to get started next week.