First Moose Hunt

Oct 25, 2012
He's definitely not a no brainer +60". And it is for sure always nice to have the brow tines requirement met. I'm pretty sure that bull would be around 52" minimum, maybe as big as 55" if he has tines that stick out.

The paddles on him are pretty wide and there's still a lot air between the insides. That's usually a good base point to see that he's probably over 50". He also doesn't look cupped up, and appears to have pretty flat beams. That's another good reference point that he's probably not in the 40s. Neither of those are perfect metrics, but they do hold true most of the time.

In the press of the moment he'd be a tough one for me to be confident about unless I had a solid few minutes to look him over.
here ya go. you cant see it in the video but there were no tines sticking out past his paddles. I looked for that with all that time i had to clearly judge him. :LOL:

we moved after i cut the cam off and just never was able to get a great look or a clean shot. most likely for the best. fish and game hovered over us a few hours later in the helo so better safe than sorry. even if fish and game didnt fly by i would have to self report if he was too small.

also, any input on anything i could have done differently in this situation as far as calling i would appreciate the input. the cracking was me breaking sticks while his head was behind the tree followed by a short cow call. then my not too impressive bull grunts later in the video... lol

Oct 25, 2012
Loved looking at these pictures and watching your video. Beautiful country. Thanks for sharing.
the first video was a joke lol. thats my wife calling. was waiting on the other video to load on youtube so i could post it. sorry i dont have better zoom. was filming on a sony a7iii with 24-105 mm zoom and i didnt have the digital zoom on. i had just put the camera on the tripod and sat down when i looked up and saw his paddle.
Oct 3, 2017
Anchorage, AK
At 3:08 you can see his left side has a tine that goes 2-3" past the edge of the paddle. As he's walking a little before that in the video you can see a similar tine on his right. That's a ~55" bull.
Oct 25, 2012
At 3:08 you can see his left side has a tine that goes 2-3" past the edge of the paddle. As he's walking a little before that in the video you can see a similar tine on his right. That's a ~55" bull.
you have better eyes than me! I just wasn't confident enough to risk it. if i saw him tomorrow id still let him walk. lol
Oct 25, 2012
so, not having the most experience rafting ( close to zero ) this is my answer to when friends ask "how was it rafting down the river?"

and for the record, I was as semi pro by the end of the trip!



Jan 21, 2019
Video makes me want to correct my earlier response, he appears to be laid back pretty good, nice palm size I would be willing to bet he was legal. But if your not sure not a problem on waiting you can’t pull a bullet back so I applaud you for the control.
Oct 25, 2012
Video makes me want to correct my earlier response, he appears to be laid back pretty good, nice palm size I would be willing to bet he was legal. But if your not sure not a problem on waiting you can’t pull a bullet back so I applaud you for the control.

My wife was shooting, not me. That would leave a bad taste in her mouth if he was under. I just didn’t want to risk it and just didn’t get enough time to get a clear look. Even with a ruler after the fact it’s close. lol.

But I appreciate your compliment

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