first lite uncompahgre puffy VS Kifaru Lost Park Parka?


Dec 5, 2014
Snyder Texas
I already have the First Lite uncompahgre Puffy, and the pants. Ive been considering a warmer puffy though. Is the Lost Park Parka heavier than the Uncom? Follow on that FL has the Chamberlain, is the Lost park Parka similar to the chamberlain? Trying to figure out which way to go here. Lets here your opinions on these...thnx
I have never used the chamberlain, but I can tell you the lpp is a little heavier and a lot warmer than the uncomphagre. I love both, but the Kifaru is bomb proof and much warmer. The uncomphagre is more mobile and lighter, but not as warm
It is strange to call the Uncompahgre a puffy. Really it's just an insulted jacket. It is surprisingly warm. To me, these are two completely different pieces of clothing. The Parka is a puffy. The Uncompahgre is a jacket. The Parka is of course way warmer, as is my puffy, a Feathered Friends Helios.
Yeah...this is exactly why im asking. The Uncom. was fine when active, but got cold while glassing anytime temps got around freezing or below. Then throw in the wind and it was hard to focus on the task at hand. I had my rainjacket over that to help block wind...but it just wasnt up to the task. For base layers I had on the aerowool, and above that....the Halstead Fleece. Trying to fine tune my layering system for Oct rifle hunts. Temps can be 50's or downright cold into the teens with snow on the ground. That's where I found myself during my wy 2018 elk hunt...and damn I got cold. I made fires while glassing for any period of time. I don't want to struggle to stay warm like that again. Id rather carry a few extra ounces for the warmth of a heavier jacket. That's exactly why im looking at the Chamberlain and the Lost Park Parka to replace the Uncom.
Mountain hardwear ghost whisperer II. If your in wyo mostly I wouldn’t buy synthetic insulation it’s so dry here that it’s worth the weight savings and warmth to buy goose down. IMO

I run kifaru pack and shelter and love their stuff and know it’s likely been tested beyond all other competition although the LPP is 21oz at a medium!but it’s pry one of the toughest with the cordura forearms and front.

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Here’s a tip it’s sounds crazy but I started putting my puffy over my windbreaker (sitka Jetstream) or over rain layer (mountain hardwear Acadia) and I swear I was’s weird

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