First Lite Fit

I'm hunting in AZ, so cactus, cat's claw, and just about everything else in the state pokes, stabs, and stings. I've got several small snags and runs in the shell even though I am careful with it. I agree that it isn't noisy, but it also happens to be noisier than anything else I wear with the exception of a hard shell, so it's all relative. I'm not saying it is a bad piece of gear, it is just my least favorite piece of FL gear - and again it is all relative.
I would not wear the puffy in a tree stand. Labrador would be better. My uncompahgre puffy is my least favorite piece of FL gear. Not because of the noise, but because the outer shell is delicate and I hate having to baby my gear. It is WICKED WARM. I mean, really, really, really warm for the weight. I supposed if you put on the puffy and then maybe a chama over it or something like that, it would make it treestand worthy and silence the swishing sound. It isn't super loud like a hard shell jacket, but it isn't silent like the merino layers. I think on a cold quiet day in a tree stand, the deer would hear you draw back. I would have bought the Labrador over the puffy, but lots of people said the Labrador wears down quickly, particularly under pack straps due to the friction.

I've got to disagree, it's the most durable puffy I've ever had. I've beat the piss out of it and it's still going strong

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How are the tall sizes on the corrugates working out for those that have them?

I just got a pair of medium talls and they fit exactly how I was hoping. I normally am a 33/34 or 34/34 in jeans and there is a little wiggle room in the waist but the fit on the legs and lengths is perfect. I tried on the standard mediums and they were too tight around the calves but the medium talls are perfect.
I agree with the fit of the Chama being baggy. Medium Llano fits me great throughout, medium Chama fits okay in the shoulders but is pretty baggy around the middle and a hair short.

Corrugates are ridiculously comfortable but I find the seat and thighs a little baggy for me. I kind of have chicken legs so maybe a little time in the squat rack would remedy that problem haha. I'm 6' 160 lbs for reference.
Is the puffy jackets loud? Like to loud to wear in a stand for bowhuntin whitetails. I can make up my mind

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I've worn my puffy in the treestand bowhunting. I was able to kill a buck at 10 yards with it on. I wore a vest over it and that really cut down the noise tremendously.
I have found it best to just call them or use the IM function on their website to give them your size as they know what to recommend.

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