I got my first bear on the 15th. I've held a couple tags and had a few close calls; including a miss in 2017, and spooking a nice one 2016 when my safety clicked. It felt like a different experience than hunting whitetails for some reason. People talk about how good the meat is; they're not kidding. Definitely has a different flavor than venison and I'd say I even prefer bear. I can get this tag every 2-3 years, and plan on doing it that often. The biologist said he was 2.5 and average for the area. We have a fairly high density and high hunting pressure between bait and hounds.
I spent a ton of time scouting, baiting and a little time hunting. I got it on video check it out here (Bear Video)if you're interested. It's kinda interesting, it's my first go at filming, and I thought man was I somber after the kill. Later I realized I've been like that after a bunch of animals and excitement sets in later, I just normally don't have a camera recording it. I'm working on another video as a part 2 that covers scouting, baiting, preparations and lessons learned because on a baited bear hunt the actual hunt is really only a small fraction of the story. Added here Lessons Learned VideoNow that I've done it, I feel like I kinda have a bit of understanding with bears. Definitely not a high level of knowledge, but now I feel like I know enough to begin learning. I spent a ton time picking the biologists brain, and have a bunch of ideas to try to get after an older age class next time around. I expect to finish that in a week or so.
I spent a ton of time scouting, baiting and a little time hunting. I got it on video check it out here (Bear Video)if you're interested. It's kinda interesting, it's my first go at filming, and I thought man was I somber after the kill. Later I realized I've been like that after a bunch of animals and excitement sets in later, I just normally don't have a camera recording it. I'm working on another video as a part 2 that covers scouting, baiting, preparations and lessons learned because on a baited bear hunt the actual hunt is really only a small fraction of the story. Added here Lessons Learned VideoNow that I've done it, I feel like I kinda have a bit of understanding with bears. Definitely not a high level of knowledge, but now I feel like I know enough to begin learning. I spent a ton time picking the biologists brain, and have a bunch of ideas to try to get after an older age class next time around. I expect to finish that in a week or so.
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