Ruptured my patellar tendon chasing ibex in NM and had to hike down 2 miles, thank God for gorilla tape. I did a little write up on the whole deal. Rehab is going well

I am currently lying in bed several hours post surgery. I am zonked on hydrocodone but unable to sleep, I've got an immobilizing brace on my left leg which has made falling asleep a seemingly laughable proposition. I don't know exactly why I intend on summarizing what happened to me here on rokslide, but I believe it'll help me close the door on the injury and motivate me to attack my rehabilitation. And, if somewhere down the line my story can help someone else, great.
If you couldn't tell by my username I am a huge fan of difficult hunts. I'm a bow only guy and the more difficult the...
If you couldn't tell by my username I am a huge fan of difficult hunts. I'm a bow only guy and the more difficult the...
- type2bowhunter
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