I figured iif anyone would know it would be you guys.
So basically my dad fixed and refinished this stock for someone probably 15 or more years ago, and it's been at his house in his garage collecting dust ever since then. Don't know why the guy never came got it or anything like that. My guess is he found another stick before my dad finished this one. Anyway, while going through my dad's stuff in his garage and trying to organize (he passed two years ago) I come across this and I think it would be pretty cool if I can build this gun with the stock my dad refinished and fixed etc.
Only problem is I don't know what model gun this stock goes to. It does say Remington on butt plate so that narrows it down somewhat. I was hoping some of you experts can identify anything else that would tell me what model gun this stock fits?

So basically my dad fixed and refinished this stock for someone probably 15 or more years ago, and it's been at his house in his garage collecting dust ever since then. Don't know why the guy never came got it or anything like that. My guess is he found another stick before my dad finished this one. Anyway, while going through my dad's stuff in his garage and trying to organize (he passed two years ago) I come across this and I think it would be pretty cool if I can build this gun with the stock my dad refinished and fixed etc.
Only problem is I don't know what model gun this stock goes to. It does say Remington on butt plate so that narrows it down somewhat. I was hoping some of you experts can identify anything else that would tell me what model gun this stock fits?