Anytime I get gear ADHD or GAS, I remember what I heard this old military spec ops type guy say many years ago. It was something to the effect of, "Amateurs worry about hardware (gear & gadgets), but the pros worry about software (knowledge & skills). I try hard to keep that in mind whenever the thought of a new rifle or bow starts creeping in. I need to spend more trying shooting what I've got and improving my skills rather than buying more crap. I'd imagine most guys would be better off buying a bunch of ammo and enrolling in a long range shooting class rather than buying a semi-custom rifle.
There's also the saying about the old guy that's been hunting forever and only has one rifle probably knows how to use it. Again, software>hardware.
There's also the saying about the old guy that's been hunting forever and only has one rifle probably knows how to use it. Again, software>hardware.