Work placed me in position to hunt my uncles ranch this week near Havre MT.
I really wanted a nice rack this year but when this doe showed up broadside at 10 yards I couldn't pass up using my A tag (my general tag/buck tag) on her. I sent a VPA Penetrator through her lungs and she went less than a hundred yards and I was able to watch her drop. No treestand or blind either lol. My hide really sucked and she was down wind of me. So scent control does help! First longbow kill! Can't wait to get more. I might start longbowing yotes to get more experience...
I really wanted a nice rack this year but when this doe showed up broadside at 10 yards I couldn't pass up using my A tag (my general tag/buck tag) on her. I sent a VPA Penetrator through her lungs and she went less than a hundred yards and I was able to watch her drop. No treestand or blind either lol. My hide really sucked and she was down wind of me. So scent control does help! First longbow kill! Can't wait to get more. I might start longbowing yotes to get more experience...