FHF Gear Bino Harness VS Sitka Gear Harness

Jul 19, 2012
Great Falls, MT
Hey guys, I have the Sitka harness and really like it last year, it seemed to work very well and was very comfortable. There is only one thing I didnt like about it, if you didn't zip it all the way up water got in it when it rained or snowed. Also, when you are stalking/crawling, the magnets wouldn't hold and it would fill with snow and mud.

It was WAY more comfortable to wear, and I liked it way more than my S4 gear harness I used 2 years ago.... But I am very interested in how it compares to the FHF gear harness. It seems to have a very good following on this site.

any input would help.

My main concern is that I can get them in and out quickly with one hand on the move.

The single bungie holding the flap down releases easily after getting use to it. Its also adjustable in tenison. The sides of the fhf pouch have elastic on the top but getting them out is no problem without lenscaps on my binos. It is a snug fit going back in. I really like the fhf but have never used the sitka so cannt compare sorry
Sorry, I haven't tried the Sitka either, but I am not going to, because I am entirely satisfied with my FHF. It has passed the belly-crawl test on a number of occasions.
I too have and like the Sitka. I also would like an FHF, has soe features I like better. I also do not like the S4 and I've also tried the Alaskan one...the brand escapes me right now but it was just too big and bulky for me. I don't like the one little cord on the Sitka that attaches the two cords on the FHF look superior and would easier to drop the binos and have them secure instead of dangling awkwardly from one cord like it does on the Sitka. I also like that Paul will customize them. when I eventually she'll put the bucks for one I'll integrate the range finder, want to add the little zipper pocket on the bottom to stash my license and other small stuff, I'll have an enclosed or otherwise secured by a cord pouch for my wind powder. On my Sitka those side pouches are crappy for actually securing gear, I lost my wi d powder day 1 of a 10 day hunt....I was not happy. Unlike you I really liked the magnetic connections, they worked great for me. if you haven't take a look at the photo album Paul has on his site, there are a ton of photos of which a handful show some cool customizations he's done for clients, helped me get some ideas.

hope that helped

I looked at the sitka when I was buying mine. I haven't physically held a fhf before but they look superior. I really like the bino bro from horn hunter. It has a rangefinder holder built in and uses magnets to hold it. I am probably biast cause I got mine extremely cheap. I really didn't like the idea of unzipping on the sitka. I do however like the magnets. Just something to think about.
I rarely ever zip my Sitka, maybe mine closes easier than others have experienced since I have small 8x42s in it, think most run longer 10x
I bought the FHF last year and am very happy with it. I had a zippered pocket put on it for my tags and licenses, a pocket for a lens pen, and a mesh holder on both sides for a bottle of smoke in a bottle on one side and an elk call on the other side.
I don't have that much time on my harness, less than six months on my FHF bino harness but I've owned a couple others and the FHF harness has them beat. I'm real happy with the one I have. Good design, bino protection, comfortable and ease of use. I don't think I'll be trying out any others in the near future.
When I compared the Sitka and the Badlands when I bought mine, I liked the Badlands better. When I put my Primes in both, the Badlands just seemed to "seal" better along the magnets. I've heard people complain about them snapping shut at inopportune times and making noise, but a few bullets or some other weight in the front pockets seems to rectify that.

That said, everyone seems to love these FHF harnesses. I wish I would've realized he was here in the Gallatin Valley. I would've checked them out a little more. I jumped on the Badlands as I found a place that was still selling at last years prices. $70 for the Badlands vs. $120 if they sold out before I made up my mind.
i hope you guys that are reading about the fhf arent getting oversold on it, as it is very simple and not something thats going to blow you away. but its just that, simple and works and is something you dont really think about anymore...
I found it to be very noisy and I prefer the magnet system for getting in and out of better. I also feel the plain straps over my shoulder sure get sore. But it is quality, looks good, etc.
i hope you guys that are reading about the fhf arent getting oversold on it, as it is very simple and not something thats going to blow you away. but its just that, simple and works and is something you dont really think about anymore...

I think that is the best part of this harness - KISS works after all!

When I emailed Paul originally, I had a couple "great" ideas that I thought would improve the harness for my needs but Paul had tried many of them and was willing to try again however he pointed out some of the issues or shortcomings of these changes and I ended up with his basic design.

I have been using the Nimrod bino system for a few years and it worked pretty well but between scouting, guiding and hunting mine saw a ton of use and the elastic is starting to wear out. I also like the idea of the hood that Nimrod uses but found myself fighting it when it got bound up on the hardware. Nimrod did update this system this year and fixed a few other minor things but I decided to give the FHF a shot.
I just got mine today and it is terrific. Yes it is a simple design, there is nothing fancy about it. No magnets, no hardshell titanium case, no super secret compartments. It is just a basic design that you can tell was created by a guy who saw a need in the field and did something about it.

Badlands seemed to big / bulky
sitka - didn't like the harness
s4 - didn't like bino case or "pouch"

This looked like and sounded like it would do exactly what I wanted it to do. After seeing it in person, I am sure of it.
I got mine last night - inital thoughts are very well thought out and built. I will get it out for a hike this weekend but so far I am really liking it. My only concern is the flap over the binos - kind of awkward right now but I bet I get used to it (the Nimrod hood was frustrating at first too).
I got mine last night - inital thoughts are very well thought out and built. I will get it out for a hike this weekend but so far I am really liking it. My only concern is the flap over the binos - kind of awkward right now but I bet I get used to it (the Nimrod hood was frustrating at first too).

thats the only thing i didnt know about... but like i said, the magnets on the sitka are not strong enough to keep rain and snow out and when crawling they really shovel up dirt. we will see... mine get here today.
