I use a several smaller ones. I think it usually makes packing easier and you can separate things to make them easier find. Just an idea but I also tend to over pack if hunting from a truck
1. Cooking / food
2. General camp gear
3. Hunting specific
4. Truck tools / recovery
I agree with the sentiment above. Organize into categories that make sense to you so you're not yard sailing the truck all the time. I did an archery whitetail hunt and rifle mule deer hunt last year and separated based on treestand vs spot and stalk. I'm guessing those are all elk hunts though, so the gear should be the same outside weapons. I'd probably be organized something like this.
* Hotel/overnight backpack
* Pack and day 1 hunting gear
* Clothes
* Dry Food/Resupply
* Tools / Recovery
* Camp Cooking
* Weapons
* Coolers (guessing you'll need a lot but I'd put dry food, clothes, and maybe weapons in some of them to have less items to pull in and out)
Basically get everything for each activity busted out then load based on need for access/weight distribution. I'd also look at a small chest freezer to get the meat frozen if it'll be riding around with you for the duration.
This is probably counterintuitive to your question but I go with both. I have a large tote where I have everything stored, and then I have smaller totes or gallon bags sorted depending on my different categories of gear inside. In my mind it is easier to pull one tote out of the truck bed and then go through it than the smaller tote you are trying to reach always being in the most awkward position to grab it from.
Bonus for getting a tote with wheels on it so you can just roll it back and forth in the truck bed and having to drag it out each time.
Smaller for me. I got tired of digging through the bigger totes. I like my 14 gallon totes. I found it was easier to organize and segregate my gear. I have a yeti loadout for optics and really small items but love my 14 gallon brute totes for everything else. I still use my bigger brute totes for long term storage in the garage and in my hunting cabin. The brute totes are expensive but dang they hold up good and dont bust up in freezing cold.
I do use the 20 gallon brutes for clothes.
I use 20 gallon brutes for clothes, 14 for gear. I do have some much bigger totes at the house with clothes in them but the biggest tote I take on road trips are 20s.