An EXTREMELY common theme is for people to name them after a firearms manufacturer, or their favorite brand or type of alcohol.
I'd just say remember that you're going to need to be able to shout this name out loud at the top of your lungs to call them back while you're surrounded by people, so don't pick something ridiculously long and stupid or that would make you feel silly/dumb/embarrassed to have to shout out like that.
Some of the coolest names I've heard recently are when folks have a duo of dogs!
This one young lady at the dog park has "Captain Chaos" and "General Mayhem" (a la Butters from South Park) as her dogs names! And I think that is AWESOME! However if you do a name like these you have to come up with shortened nick names for everyday use.
Pretty much every dog owner always has at least 3 nicknames for their dog anyway. As a matter of happen stance. Don't take my word for it. Ask any other dog owner you know! It's fun to here all the after-thought nick-names they come up with!
For me it was:
Rat Terrier - Brizzy, Brizz, Hyper Spaz Monkey, and BoogerButt and MuscleButt
Chihuahua - Mancha, Manchita, Little One, Da Cuteness
My rule for a dog name is, try to keep it 2 syllables and starts with a hard consonant sound, so you can belt it out easy when you need to reprimand.
Of the ones I saw above... I'd totally go with "Rousey" though, even though it doesn't start with a hard consonant.