Feds order access to hunters

Bull Shit. Look into the Alex Sienkiewicz dilemma in the Crazy Mountains in Montana. Go talk to them sometime.

You mean like the way they don't maintain some forest roads to Trailhead's?

Or the way they shutdown the forest roads to any motorized vehicle in the spring so we have no access to bear hunt?

Maybe it is just a local problem.....

Follow me on Instagram @ high_mountain_hunter
You mean like the way they don't maintain some forest roads to Trailhead's?

Or the way they shutdown the forest roads to any motorized vehicle in the spring so we have no access to bear hunt?

Maybe it is just a local problem.....

Follow me on Instagram @ high_mountain_hunter
It's pretty tough to maintain roads and keep them safe without proper funding... Believe me, I know there is a lot of waste in government but when you aren't given a budget to fight fires you have to cut back on other things.

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Funding debate aside, this is good news for sportsmen. I think we should be able to call a spade a spade without all the whataboutism, regardless of which side of the isle we tend to vote for.
Absolutely good for sportsman, not arguing that one! Just see trouble implementing it when they can't take care of what they have as is.

Follow me on Instagram @ high_mountain_hunter
Funding debate aside, this is good news for sportsmen. I think we should be able to call a spade a spade without all the whataboutism, regardless of which side of the isle we tend to vote for.

No doubt that it is good for sportsmen on paper. Nothing to do with who I voted for but if you aim to cut a budget that is already having trouble keeping up with demand, how can you expect them to improve and expand current access?
At this by point, whether by default or design, the primary function of most government entities is to spend money. Period, end of sentence.
And as long as meeting the prior year spending allotment as a requirement for the working "budget"remains in place, there is NO incentive for any government agency to work within their means, try to save money, or even use it wisely.

Managing the resources, pissing anybody off, or maintenance of existing trails, is secondary to blowing the allowance.
Utilizing the vast reserves of natural resources on and, under these lands, is paramount to providing a balanced budget for these agencies. However, the two problems with this is the government will step in and rob these agencies of excess to cover their immature money management practices. And, there would be much up roar from political zealots with political agendas. Unfortunately, there is a fair amount of sportsmen that fall into that category. But, responsible resource management should be a very big "pro" for every hunter intent on keeping these lands open for long term public use. Because without that option, the government would rather just sell their land. Operating on the "some is better then none" mentality. God Bless men
No doubt that it is good for sportsmen on paper. Nothing to do with who I voted for but if you aim to cut a budget that is already having trouble keeping up with demand, how can you expect them to improve and expand current access?

My guess is every one of us knows of a inefficient gov employee...or many. An earlier poster said it well....gov breeds inefficiency that would not be tolerated in a private company. This is one of the reasons Trump got elected to begin with ....people are sick of politicians condoning this waste of our tax dollars [and people are sick of career politicians!]

The USFS is a perfect example of that....and Trump knows the solution is NOT to throw more money at them...but to make them more efficient....and with human nature being what it is....a very tough task.

Heck, if the USFS didn't outsource trail clearing with those trail contracts.....it would never get done by their sloth like employees [excepting the fine FS employees on this forum of course]
Did I just miss it or did BHA completely ignore this information? They seem to be so quick to announce the end of the world but no mention of what seems to be really good news for sportsmen.
Good news; Props to the Trump administration for this one.

I'm still scared to death that they're going to start selling public lands to big business or transferring to the states so the states can sell it.
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Good news; Props to the Trump administration for this one.

I'm still scared to death that their going to start selling public lands to big business or transferring to the states so the states can sell it.

I'm scared of that, as well. But, I think HR 621 being squashed by vocal voters sent a message to the folks in D.C. that it could be political suicide to do so.
Its worth noting this took a concerted lobbying effort by SCI and others to get it done so quickly ....albeit with a like minded administration.

Not to sound like Jim Shockey but....if you are a hunter, you should be a member of SCI....they have the political clout to get things done.
i think its a bit of a chicken little worry to think a mass sale of public lands would occur.

We had a recent case here, where the Feds sold off part of the huge Camp Parks military complex in dublin,ca. It was mostly abandoned, dilapidated housing built in the 40's unused and not even good pasture for cattle. Plus it was a dumping ground for the feds toxic waste- a big mess. It was bought for big $$$ by a NY Developer that ended up paying millions to improve the existing base and clean up the mess. [Though i'm sure with the right bid process it could have commanded more $$]

Yeah, it was public converted to private....but some of that ain't a bad thing.
We have a whole office full of USFS (Forest Circus) employees here in our town. And they can't seem to enforce any issues, even in the forest 20 minutes away. I think the problem lies in like most government agencies they don't actually do anything but push paper. Seems like all they want to do is make it harder and harder for the public to access "our" lands.

Follow me on Instagram @ high_mountain_hunter

Yep...but you forgot to mention they do all this "for a fee" making them Federal Revenue Officers.
This is a touchy subject for me and a lot of other older guys like me that I've talked to about this. The locking up of miles and miles of forest service roads. I'm not talking about wilderness areas either. One area I like to hunt has over 10 miles of roads, all gated off and your not even allowed to go in with with a vehicle or atv to retrieve an animal.
Hard to debate budget cuts when we aren't looking at the spending reports ourselves. Just because their not getting the job done with the funding allocated, doesn't mean it can't be done with less. Our governments "business model" has proven time, and time again to be inefficient. When something isn't working efficiently, government claims insufficiency on funding. In the private sector funding sufficiency comes from being efficient which comes from experience. Experience works differently in the private sector then government because when change is made within the private sector it's the experienced that's making the changes, and we know most changes should save money, or make money, not cost money. We need to try new plans, new budgets within our government. I think this is a good move, can't stay idle.

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