Federal Ammo Rebate Scam?


Oct 25, 2024
Southwest Wisconsin
I have been denied for the third time. I really did purchase two boxes of ammo that qualified for rebates and in the required time frame. I’ve submitted documents three times. Twice I was told what was missing. Then submitted the required document. Twice was denied because of the document I had submitted. It appears to me the Federal Ammo Rebate is a scam. I've been dealing with this for three months. I guess Federal needs the $48 more than I do.

Hornady had a rebate for free bullets. I received approval in two days and the free bullets two days after that. Looks like I will buy from Hornady in the future.

Has anyone had success getting money from the Federal Ammo Rebate Program?
I was denied my first time. Called and discussed it with them. They fixed it. I then received an email stating I was approved and should get the rebate in 6-8 weeks. Still waiting though. About 3 weeks in.
Had mine approved for 2 boxes of 308. Took about 8 weeks to finally get the visa card though. No issues with my initial submission.
Reburn is right, 3rd party. I had a similar issue as described with MBRP exhaust. Big rebate kept telling me the papers were not submitted. Barcodes etc. Called MBRP direct and still had to argue with them. After I spoke multiple times with CS and said I am just going bad mouth there products to anyone who will listen, I got my rebate . A real pain in the butt.
Reburn is right, 3rd party. I had a similar issue as described with MBRP exhaust. Big rebate kept telling me the papers were not submitted. Barcodes etc. Called MBRP direct and still had to argue with them. After I spoke multiple times with CS and said I am just going bad mouth there products to anyone who will listen, I got my rebate . A real pain in the butt.

I really wonder if the 3rd party rebate is distrubted the whole amount of funds from federal or whomever and then they get to keep anything that isnt distrubuted by the end date.