Favourite Broad Heads


Jul 19, 2020
British Columbia
Hey guys! First time caller long time listener here lol.

Heading out on my first mule deer hunt this coming fall and I'm playing around with a couple different broad heads with my compound. Figured I'd reach out and see what other fellow bow hunters are using to get the job done. I figure its a good way to get some exposure to other broadheads. Thanks in advance!
I’m a fan of the Slick Trick Wicked Tricks and the new Sever titanium 2.0. Have not shit anything but pigs with the 2.0 since they just came out, but so far it’s blown through some big bones and penetrated well for an expandable. The Wicked Tricks have always performed very well.
I’m a fan of the Slick Trick Wicked Tricks and the new Sever titanium 2.0. Have not shit anything but pigs with the 2.0 since they just came out, but so far it’s blown through some big bones and penetrated well for an expandable. The Wicked Tricks have always performed very well.

Thanks for the info
I’ve had great luck tuning slick tricks. They have a pretty sharp blade straight from the factory. However, I’ve had issue with tip curling on the aluminum ferrule. If I bought more, I’d get the SS version.

I shoot some trad as well, and I use 2 blade VPA heads for that. They’re the sturdiest head I’ve shot and by far the easiest to keep sharp. Sent one through the ribs, shoulder, and spine of a pig and all it needed was a quick sharpen and it still spun true and was ready to go. judging by this performance, I think I will be buying 100 grain 3 blade heads for my compound.
Slick Trick Viper Tricks are what I shoot. They fly best for me.

I shot Magnus Stingers for a bit last season and never could get them to fly correctly.
Stingers and Exodus (125’s) are my choice for later this month (I’ve got VPA 125 3 blades on the way to try too).
I wanted to like ST standards, but in broadhead tuning I found I could get ST’s to fly with my field points to 60yds fairly easily, BUT just the ST’s-once I tried the Magnus and Exodus they were outside the FP’s and ST’s by a bunch.
I tuned the Magnus to my FP’s and the Exodus are tight with them also so that’s what I’m gonna run (preference to Stingers, but I think the Exodus may come in with a little edge in higher wind-so they’ll be in the quiver too).
They shot as good as I can last Saturday out to 70yds.

60yds: Magnus and Exodus on left, third shot on right is FP, pretty sure that’s a loss of focus by me when I was thinking what nice group I had going😆

I'm a big fan of the 100 grn. vpa 3 blade vented heads. Very good customer service as well as made in the U.S. the biggest thing for me is being able to shoot every arrow with a broadhead into a target or animal and knowing that I can sharpen them back to a hair shaving state which is a big plus if you want to know how the arrow your hunting with will fly not just one with a practice bh.
Iron Will solid 125’s for me. Super impressed with everything about them

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ST Vipertricks for this year, but I’ve shot all sorts of BHs. The longer heads like Montec, Hellrazor, VPA were harder to tune in my experience. I think it’s the longer overall length compared to the FP.

For me, it’s all about tuning your bow correctly. Nearly every BH manufactured today will kill if put in the right spot on an animal. Putting the BH in the right spot is why we tune.
Standard Slick Tricks for me. I've shot both 100 and 125 gr ones. They shoot with my field points out of all my bows.

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Cutthroat 250gr for me this year. I shot the Magnus Black Hornet Ser Razor last year and it was NASTY. Just note, how a broadhead flies for someone is more of a testament to how well their arrow has been setup (spine, spin tested, nock aligned, FOC, etc) and bow tuning more so than the characteristics of that particular head. Yeah some may be more forgiving than others, but it usually isn't the broadhead's fault if it won't fly.
I have had amazing results with the SIK SK2. Killed a Henry Mountains Buffalo with highway blood trail and recently shot an antelope. Both made it only 60 yards.
used to shoot slick tricks. Went away from them. In last few years have tried lots of others including expandable. For blue color type heads i haven't found anything that does better then a slick trick. Im sure the high end TV heads are better, but im not paying that kind of money.

Anyway thats my 2 cents