Favorite SD Card Viewers

I am a cheap bastard and use a 30 dollar moultrie viewer, had it for at least five years and it is still going strong. Thing has seen some rough use, even left it in the stand for a few days until I figured out where it was.
I am a cheap bastard and use a 30 dollar moultrie viewer, had it for at least five years and it is still going strong. Thing has seen some rough use, even left it in the stand for a few days until I figured out where it was.
That’s what I have. (The Moultrie viewer) usable, but a pain in the arse. Battery goes down quick in the cold. Takes forever to scroll thru a hundred pics, etc.
Perhaps u can tell me though.... I could have sworn that when I first got it, that there was a way to actually zoom in on certain areas of the pic. Yes? No? Am I just imagining this? I can’t figure out how to make the zoom work.
I am in the process of ordering the item in post 21 above. That would be sweet to see the pics on your phone screen!
On the right side the viewer controls will control the zoom function you just have too tinker with it a bit, while we are at it my old trail cam got attacked bye a bear, so I bought a new moultrie, set it up and it will take one or two pics and thats it, I have been fussing with this thing for at least 2 months, I know there are der in the area but the camera is giving me the fits, even went back through the set up instructions and tried that any ideals as too the problem.
On the right side the viewer controls will control the zoom function you just have too tinker with it a bit, while we are at it my old trail cam got attacked bye a bear, so I bought a new moultrie, set it up and it will take one or two pics and thats it, I have been fussing with this thing for at least 2 months, I know there are der in the area but the camera is giving me the fits, even went back through the set up instructions and tried that any ideals as too the problem.
Thx for the info on the zoom feature. I thought I rmmbrd that it had a zoom and played w it a bunch but couldn’t get it to work. Thought I was going crazy. I’ll give it some more trying that right side button.
I’ve had my cameras shut down prematurely too. I’ve noticed that the batttery positioning seems to be a factor. I often thought my batteries had gone dead (especially cold weather situations) only to find if I spin or reposition the batteries in their compartment the camera will become active again. I’ve had this experience in all 3 of my Moultrie cams I believe.