I understand you for sure, it's what many have shared above, lots of ways to hunt elk. I'm like you, I flat love elk hunting, I'm not after the biggest bulls around so I can gloat. Give me a 5 point & I'll take him every year. It's the hunt & the Calling for the most part on these OTC bulls. Once in a blue moon conditions allow for a Stalk on a vocal bull but much of the country I choose to hunt does not allow a silent approach, it's way to thick & littered with downfall, calling is a necessity.
Personally, one of my favorite all time tactics is the Slow Play I've used on a lot of bulls, thing is it has to be the Right Bull for best results!
I will use Advertising Sequences.
Breeding Sequences
Calling cows from bulls
Cow calling my way to a bull, etc.
I will add, once you get a bull to respond to a cow call you've got him, he's the easiest OTC bull to get into your lap! Sometimes you need to stay with just that cow call & other bulls a course bugle must be injected, it's all up to the bull how the decision is played out. Biggest mistake by hunters is to think the same calling tactic works for all bulls.
All have value & their place as does a well placed Treestand.
2 takeaways here. 1- there's more than 1 way to skin an elk and 2 - "all elk encounters aren't created equal"