Fatal grizzly attack in Montana today


Dec 11, 2017
People may have already read it but thought i'd post it if people were interested in reading.

Fatal bear attack

Bear attack

I know the area fairly well and it's not a typical area a lot of people go to for camping. I am waiting to see if they are resident or non-resident. Thinking they are non-resident because they had seen the bear in the campground more than once while the group was there. I know myself and most people would have immediately left the area and found a different place to camp if a bear, especially a grizzly was coming into a camp area.

I was biking and glassing the GTS road earlier this spring for bears and had a black bear come on to the road. I warned people that were biking up that there was a bear next to the road. However, it was a double edged sword because I was hoping they would avoid the area but most went up as close as they could to it to get pictures of the bear. Had a large group of about 8 bikers flying down the road and come around the bend, 3 of them saw the bear and wrecked off their bikes the rest were able to stop but the bear got pissed at this point and started snapping his teeth at them and hackles raised and pushed the group away.


Dec 26, 2017
My brother and I are planning to do some fishing up in that area this weekend, gonna have to keep our heads on a swivel!


Jun 12, 2019
I agree they need to be hunted but will it really have a change to the bears demeanor consider so few tags will be given away?

I mean they really wouldn't know they are being hunted until they get shot.
Attacks are getting more frequent it feels like. (just from news coverage, i don't have stats.) but then again people seem to be getting dumber also....
There are also many many many times more people recreating and living in these areas in general. Heck 10 years ago you could actually be at a trail head for a week and maybe see one vehicle or you could be on a stream all day long and not see a sole. Now not so much.


Sep 29, 2014
North Idaho
Cause and effect, fellas.
Anyone that expects anything different than what is happening is bat chit crazy.

Don't mean to read as trite and uncaring, these are honest-to-goodness tragedies; but the grand plan of the anti's is complete stupidity and will continue to culminate in loss of human life and (livestock) property.
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Jul 24, 2020
Mendocino County
Attacks are getting more frequent it feels like. (just from news coverage, i don't have stats.) but then again people seem to be getting dumber also....
That's what I thought when I saw this title. City folks come up to visit and try to take photos of a bull elk from two feet away while it's stamping its feet and swinging its head.


Oct 18, 2019
Why do you think it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone?
Uh…because of the sheer number of grizzly bears in Montana…they are everywhere. with all the bad “information” out there most are not prepared for encounters. most people are all fuzzy about bears and wolves because of all the lies and pro panda being sold that not surprisingly is bought hook line and sinker. All these so called conservationists/animal rights people should be flogged for the lies they tell.

going to be more. at this point hunting isn’t going to do much either. So many bears in that area and north through the Rockies that bears are running in packs now.

not enough people would actually be successful hunting bears to make a difference. We see that with wolves. Everyone talks about it, but not many do it successfully


Jul 24, 2020
Mendocino County
Uh…because of the sheer number of grizzly bears in Montana…they are everywhere. with all the bad “information” out there most are not prepared for encounters. most people are all fuzzy about bears and wolves because of all the lies and pro panda being sold that not surprisingly is bought hook line and sinker. All these so called conservationists/animal rights people should be flogged for the lies they tell.
Oh. I was unaware of that dynamic.

Mt Al

Dec 16, 2017
They are expanding their range as the population increases. Seen in way more places across a greater range than even the recent past. I appreciate that they're out there, but the only reason there's no season is political pressure from the Feds and non-Montana/Wyoming/Idaho politicians and special interest groups. Zero to do with science or wildlife management.

I wish I wish I wish I wish I wish that, as above, there would be a requirement to relocate grizz bears all over the West and as far as they were rumored to be in the last thousand years. The California state flag has a grizzly, doesn't it? City, urban and rural people in every Western state should be able to deal with grizzlies if the people of Ovando, Lincoln and all over Montana have to. What's the diff? I mean "what's the diff" other than those politicians can say they're all for wildlife in Montana as long as it doesn't impact them. Could be wrong...

Very sad for the biker and her family. I wouldn't stay in a tent without a bear fence outside of Ovando, Lincoln, anywhere near the Bob Marshal.