Family of cats on trail cam (video)

Nov 28, 2012
Got my first cats on my trail cam.

Why do you say that?
Because they are a plague to the deer. After experiencing what just one cat can do to a deer herd I truly hate them. Way back around '91 I was in a lease just over the Florida line into Grady County Georgia. It was a southern whitetail paradise. It was nothing to see 20-30 deer in a sit. Suddenly the deer started to dwindle and within a year you could go days without seeing a deer. We thought that market hunters were poaching or something because we weren't seeing disease in the area. Finally one evening I saw a big cat in the bottom behind my stand right at dark. I had been seeing big cat prints but hadn't paid much attention because there wasn't supposed to be cats within hundreds of miles of there and dismissed them as dogs. After seeing him I went back to camp babbing about a giant bobcat and all the guys thought I was making it up or hallucinating. About a month after the season I see a report about an experimental release of cougars from Texas in the Apalachicola NF and how they had traveled. One of the dots was square on our lease. That one cat had wiped out the deer on our place in less than a year. The deer that were left were strictly nocturnal and moved very little. The amount of deer just one of those monsters kill in a year is staggering. The F'n FWC has been quietly releasing "Florida Panthers" into the Osceola NF and Okeefenokee NWR for years and the dog hunters have quietly taking care of them the best they can. Those cats are death to your deer hunting.