Factory Ammo for 1:14 twist 22-250


Dec 25, 2023
So for a small handful of reasons, I decided to get my son a Tikka Compact in 22-250. The compact comes in a slower 1:14 twist rate rather than the 1:8 that’s an option in the T3X Lite. I wanted to see if there’s others out there using this caliber/twist rate as an antelope/deer rifle with ~50 grain bullets? In looking around, it sounds like the Barnes TSX are a common choice, but looking for some firsthand experience from others if you’re willing to share.

It’s not a 223, but reading that 223 thread made me feel that a 22 caliber would be a good choice for a young shooter to learn on and potentially use for things larger than coyotes with the right bullet selection, even if the grain size would be limited. No restriction on 22 caliber for antelope/deer here.
When you say you decided to get the 22-250, does that mean you've already purchased or you're planning on purchasing that rifle? If you haven't purchased the rifle yet my vote would be buying him a full size tikka 22-250 to get that faster rate of twist and then finding a compact stock for it, I set up both my boys fast twist tikka 22-250's and they love them. I might still have a extra compact stock laying around.

Bergara just announced their "Stoke" youth rifle, has 12.25" LOP, comes threaded and the 22-250 has that faster rate of twist.
I had purchased, but I talked to them last night to cancel before I picked it up. The more I read, the more I didn’t think the slow twist was a good idea to try to make work as an antelope/deer round.

Thanks for the heads up on the Stoke, I’ll look into that.
I have a 1:14 tikka t3x varmit that I predator hunt with. 55gr varmit x from winchester have been good. Just getting into handloads for it now, no data yet there. Bugger has been great on coyote, and explosive on fox & coon