face paint or face mask

face mask or face paint

  • face mask/balaclava

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • camo paint

    Votes: 15 60.0%
  • rub my face in the freshest scat pile i can find

    Votes: 1 4.0%

  • Total voters


Feb 24, 2012
talking archery here.i never really like the idea of make up on a hunt (you ladies excluded there) and have always worn a face mask of some sort.mesh in early season and sitkas balaclava late.but ive been thinking, i practice shooting my bow a lot.getting to be every day now that the weathers turning,and will right up to September.but i never practice with a face mask on.anchor points can be affected slightly,it hasn't been a issue hunting yet but ive let shots off when my anchor was a little off practicing with poor results.so thinking about some camo paint since i know i wont regularly put on the mask to go shoot.what do you guys do. make up or vale?
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I am more accurate using a kisser button on my bowstring, and the one time I shot my bow with a face mask it about ripped my head off. Since then if I am going to use anything I will use face paint.
I just hate how hard it is to clean off, and after a few days without a shower it can really feel disgusting.
I put paint on, it must get rid of some of the facial glare. Whether it helps actually or not, I feel as if I get good mojo. Walking down a Bovine trail last year in Denning mode "slow", I remembered I had not put it on. 10 minutes later a nice Buck gets spotted at 70 yards. He is still alive, but thats just one example of good mojo. My Recurve and I will be back
I usually use nothing. If an animal picks my face out then I guess it is GAME OVER.....never had that happen though. I don't like how a mask can get in the way of my string but used to use them....don't like trying to clean my face off when in the backcountry either, don't like the greasy feeling. Call me picky!
View attachment 865I would vote, but haven't wore any face stuff of any kind now for too many years to recall! (grin) Here's the only photo I have that shows me wearing face camo, funny thing this is by far my favorite elk photo of elk I've taken! Notice how that bow dates me! (grin)

I have used both and nothing at all. I agree though, if you use a facemask, you better practice with it to make sure you can get to your same anchor. That holds true with a knit hat also, especially if you shoot a hand held and not a wrist type release. Both the face amsk and knit hat can interfere with my anchor. So when I need it I use face paint.
Prefer a mask. I leave it down around the neck until needed. The snug, light, stretchy masks like Medalist seem to work better than the loose mesh type for archery though.
face paint, less chance of missing anchor point, and hanging up. Wet wipes clean up the makeup easy enough. I don't use a lot of facepaint, just enough to break up my outline and reduce glare from my cheeks, nose.
I've always used a face mask and never had a problem. But I definitely believe in using something. When Lee and I are out hunting and split up and I'm looking for him on another hillside, I can always find him by his face or hands because they are uncovered. I figure if I can pick it up that easy then an animal can catch it faster. I always try to have something on my hands and face with only my eyes uncovered.
Back in the day I used to try both. But as of the last 5 or 6 years I never use anything on my face. Never been busted because of my face. As long as you don't make eye contact you good..atleast that is how it has been for me. I have a shiny baby face too! ha

nice elk justin / i use a mask when it is cold / i do think paint is better for shooting