Exo k4 (5000) - waterproof pack cover that will fit ?


Aug 29, 2021
Looking for waterproof pack cover for my Exo K4 5000. Pretty much a necessity for me and where I hunt. I am aware of the Exo dry bag but prefer to cover my pack from the exterior when need be.
Though it’s their competition, I’ve been happy with both the kuiu and stone glacier covers. Kuiu if you carry your rifle on your pack. SG if you carry it on your hand or in a kifaru gun bearer.
another for the kuiu. I used to run kuiu packs and used their rain cover. Sold the kuiu pack, switched to the K4 and kept the rain cover:)
I'm curious, why prefer the pack cover over the dry bag? I always envision a pack cover getting hung up on everything, though admittedly I've never used one.
I actually prefer the MR cover, if it's a light rain and I don't really wanna throw my rain jacket on. Otherwise, I just have a Badlands cover (if I'm ounce counting). If it's a steady rain for multiple days, you're 100% better off keeping your gear dry from the inside...
I bought a Mystery Ranch cover of Camofire and it works fine.

I'm curious, why prefer the pack cover over the dry bag? I always envision a pack cover getting hung up on everything, though admittedly I've never used one.

I was in your camp till I went on a hunt and it raining everyday for a week. I typically don't use while moving, but if I stop to glass or have to store the pack outside the tent it's nice to have a cover to keep it from getting waterlogged. For the couple ounces it weighs, well worth it in my book.

I don't like the full size drybag cause it's so inconvienient. I have a smaller Sea to Summit drybag I put my sleeping bag and clothes in, but anything else that doesn't matter if it gets wet doesn't go in the drybag. Gives me access to frequently used items and protects my clothing.
I think most covers will work well, I have an old Sitka cover that works well on my 4800. I also use it to sit on when the grounds wet. It doesn't fit super well if the pack it packet full with the collar and lid full but still keeps it dry, with the pack in daymode or full + lid without the collar filled up it works great.

Kifaru sells a pack cover too, personally I would just buy whatever is the cheapest, I've only used mine a few times in the last 10 years.
Has anyone tried the Kryptek pack covers? I need one that is durable and waterproof but also lightweight. I have a full size Barney's pack. Not sure if this cover will fit that pack. I know that Barney's carries pack covers. However I'd rather not spend 80.00 for one. Kryptek's is around 30.00.
I went with a Black Ovis cover., The guy said it will fit my pack. Hopefully he's right. Thanks to all who replied.