I'm just going to point this out, because I get what you're throwing down Elk Nut, but when it comes to torso length, adjusting for a "heavy load" isn't going to be much more than an inch in my experience. I see why you do what you do, but changing the pack fit isn't something I'd personally choose to do. That said, for the sake of completeness:
- MR yoke can be adjusted in seconds, pull the yoke sheet and adjust the Velcro.
- the SG torso length can be adjusted in seconds, the straps just connect with Velcro.
- the Kuiu packs have an attachment system similar to the SG, can change torso length in seconds.
- I have never done this with a kifaru frame, so I have no idea how easy/hard that system is.
My point is, I get you love the Exo pack, but adjustable torso isn't exclusive enough to that system to merit the "exo has it figured out in their pack" compliment in the vain that no other company has actually figured that out. Not trying to be a jerk, just want to temper the bias I feel when I read comments like that.
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Kifaru can be adjusted super easy as well but elknut is the only one I have heard that does this. But then again elknut also said the Kifaru was only a good backpack pack good to 50lbs when he had one which I've also never heard anyone else say.
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