Anyone run an Exo bag (I have the K3 4800) on a SG X-Curve frame? I know the Kifaru frame can work but not sure about the XC. I love the SG frame but the bags are too basic for me.
Thanks in advance!
I put a 3200 K3 on a SG X curve. Also had a Kifaru lid so was the ultimate frankenpack. The buckles line up but the top of the pack doesn’t really have a place to “sit” on the top of the frame. It slid down but was still functional. I just did a four day bear hunt with it and it worked fine for me. I had already replaced the Exo buckles with Kifaru/SG buckles so they matched up. You will have to cut your stock Exo buckles off and put some of the Kifaru ones that have the open end on them. I think they are better buckles anyway as you can get the locking version.
I just fitted a MR Sawtooth 45 on my X-Curve frame. Not a big pack by any means. Was able to put 40lbs of corn in it to see how it worked. Works perfectly . I may have to invest in an exo 3200