Exo 3500 or Exo 4800

I have an Exo 3500 that I love but was thinking about upgrading to the Exo 4800 with K3 frame; has anyone used both and is it worth the upgrade? I use it almost exclusively for backcountry elk hunts - 3 to 7 days. Thanks!!
A lot of suggestions already for the 6400. That is my recommendation as well if you're going to do more than 2-3 days.
I wish they would just put the horse shoe zipper on the 6400 and be done.

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K3 vs K2 not a huge difference IMO. I actually prefer the K2 setup and sold the K3; just personal preference though. Didn’t care for the smaller stretchy pocket on the 4800 vs the K2 3500’s larger one (seemed larger anyways).
Upgrade the K2 belt as others have said and you’ll be pretty close. I couldn’t tell any major difference between the two when hiking with weight. Couldn’t go wrong with either though.
My sentiment exactly. The 4800's narrower zippered front stretch pocket was a large design mistake IMO. The 3500's pocket was perfect for fitting a Thermarest Z pad, which created a nice flat padded surface for strapping your rifle or bow to for a long hike in or pack out. The 4800's is so narrow it won't fit the pad, and anything you put in it creates a high spot that doesn't create a good surface for strapping a rifle or bow against. All the packs would do well with that wide stretch front pocket.
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I have a 2000 and 5500. I used to use the 5500 for everything, but, the 2000 is basically the only bag I use now. I can get 3-4 nights out of the 2000, which is 95% of the trips I do. If you only have 1 bag, get the biggest bag.
After coming from a Kiaru 44Mag I just purchased the 4800. The 44Mag was a big disappointment to me. The side pockets were almost unusable, there was nowhere to put a water bottle and their webbing spacing was tapered so you couldn’t attach MOLLE items. It had its merits but the pack had major issues. It costs a lot of space to have to stuff all your water in the main bag.

With the Exo being 4800+Lid and having the side pocket design that gives me a spot for my tent and water bottles I think it’s going to be way more efficient than the 44. We’ll see, maybe I’ll send it back and grab a 6400 and a 1800.

Extra spaces makes life easier. Sometimes I want to bring my synthetic 0-degree bag, sometimes I want to bring a game caller in the pack. Extra space is easy to buckle down but you can’t make up for it when you need more.
If you like the bag (3500)) and you’re just wanting the extra space, that’s what the load shelf is for. It’s not just for meat. Get yourself a small dry bag and put your food or tent (in my case hammock and tarp) in it and put it on the load shelf. That frees up space in the bag for clothes and other gear.
Just saw that RGarner posted the same thing on another thread…

If you’re on a budget, make the most of the space you’ve got.
I’m glad I read this before making a purchase. I was considering the 4800. I was afraid the 6400 would be too big to double as a day pack. Makes the decision easier now. I’ve got a 8 man Seek Outside tipi and XL stove so the extra room will be nice.
On the belt upgrade issue, while the K3 belt surely is better than the K2, what really puts it over the top is running a HPG Prairie Belt. If you are like me and have no rear and not a lot of hips, that upgrade will make a huge difference.
I have a K2 3500, K3 1800 and 4800. I have done 7 days/nights with the 4800. If you are spending more than a week, I can see the 6400; otherwise pack efficiently and drop bring half your house. The K3/4800 is my favorite EXO pack of what is currently available 😉
I had a K2 5500, upgraded to the K3. If you find yourself wanting more lift with a heavy load, the upgrade is worth it. If not, I would keep the K2.

Personally I prefer the 3200 and 6400 bag designs.

You can also put a 4800 bag on the K2 frame if the bag is what you want to change.

I kept the K3 because the extra frame hight really helps with heavy loads. I hate the Velcro wings for adjusting the belt size because the Velcro failed on me. Exo replaced the belt. And the issue was field repairable with 550 cord. But I don't completely trust the Velcro and will not go out without 4 feet of 550 cord.
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On the belt upgrade issue, while the K3 belt surely is better than the K2, what really puts it over the top is running a HPG Prairie Belt. If you are like me and have no rear and not a lot of hips, that upgrade will make a huge difference.
You have any pictures of how that attaches?
On the belt upgrade issue, while the K3 belt surely is better than the K2, what really puts it over the top is running a HPG Prairie Belt. If you are like me and have no rear and not a lot of hips, that upgrade will make a huge difference.
I have the Prairie Belt for an ILBE I loan to friends, and I honestly don’t see why people like it. Above 35 pounds, it cannot take any of the weight off your shoulders. It doesn’t have any stiffness to it to keep the weight from shifting to the shoulders.
Ive had the same debate and settled on the 4800. Most of my hunting is day trips or the odd 3-4 day trip. I want to have enough space, but didnt want to go as large as 6400. That would end up getting in my way 95% of the time. If i ever get the opportunity to do a 10 day hunt, I'll either try to pack light, or buy the bag needed at that point.
no question 6400. I used struggled using my 3500 for anything more than 1-2 nights trips