Ethics of feeding your kids merganser

Poor trained dogs.

Hooded mergansers taste better than scoter, goldeneyes, old squaw, etc etc.
people eat those nasty birds.
I’ve eaten every single one. Some I choose not to shoot and eat anymore
Not sure what types of squaws you hang with but mine eat just fine!
There’s probably a call into CPS right now. Defiantly child abuse. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.
Posts I've seen on this thread: I'll still eat coon, not much into possum, coon is fine in a stew. Goat, that depends on who cooks it, I've had some that wasn't fit for the hogs, and some that beat some of the pork bbq I've had at restaurants that were supposedly supposed to be good.

Coots? I've never had a taste for them, however, you used to be able to kill 10 a day, outside your 100 pt. limit, those things have a huge gizzard that is close to 4/5 of a normal duck's gizzard, those things really went well for making giblet gravy.

Anyone else remember the pt. system? bluebills/mergansers/teal etc. 10 pts. redheads mallards pintail were 25/hens 75 - later both went to 75 pts. canvasbacks 100 you could go over 100 pts., the last duck is what counted to put you at or over. Now, it all depended on the marine patrol on how they jokers tried to count too, we usually picked and cleaned all our ducks while out, but if that last duck was a redhead, we picked him/her quickly, grabbed the decoys and headed out, trying to keep them warm to show he was the last duck or ducks.

18 bluebills and a couple big male redhead was a fine day for dad and I.

I miss you dad. A young teenager in a duck blind with a dad, times well spent my friends. Fishing, turkey hunting, deer hunting, squirrel, etc., you have to be quiet, doves used to be too much flying to talk, the duck blind .......... that's where the talking really occurs between men and sons/daughters, no one is there to overhear, no one is there to really interrupt, it's just us. I kind of wish my dad had been into horses, a good trail ride and camping can be that way too.
Ole Hairy-heads. There are some that taste pretty good and some that don't. You can usually smell the bad ones while cleaning them. Definitely get all of the skin off.
Ole Hairy-heads. There are some that taste pretty good and some that don't. You can usually smell the bad ones while cleaning them. Definitely get all of the skin off.
Mergansers and turkey, two stinky birds for sure. I'd rather clean a buddies gut shot deer than either of those two.
Poor trained dogs.

Hooded mergansers taste better than scoter, goldeneyes, old squaw, etc etc.
people eat those nasty birds.
I’ve eaten every single one. Some I choose not to shoot and eat anymore
Idk about the others but hoodies do not taste better than Goldeneye imo.

We used to shoot the livin heck out of hoodies, Goldeneye, buffleheads and the occasional common merg. They tasted the same when ground into Italian sausage and made into spaghetti. The house sounded like it was infested with bullfrogs for a couple days after consumption though.
Now, I will admit in my younger rebellious years I did shoot a hooded merg and a mallard the same trip. I plucked both and gave them to my mother, who I didn't live with. She cooked them up and said "The big one was better than the little one." To this day I say the " little one" was a wigeon.
The only one I've been in contact with, my buddy shot a couple years ago and I picked it up on the river bank. I washed those gloves I picked it up with they stunk so bad. I think he tried to cook it and finally just gave it to his dog.