Estimate on black bear... ?

Not 100% sure that is a boar. Very fat bear, and your description of its attitude and other bears response, makes me think it is a boar......but it is lacking that big forehead, and front shoulders, legs, and ankles that really show on an old boar. But like others have said, all bears are different, body shapes and attitudes.

Do you have pictures of other bears in the same spot?
Not 100% sure that is a boar. Very fat bear, and your description of its attitude and other bears response, makes me think it is a boar......but it is lacking that big forehead, and front shoulders, legs, and ankles that really show on an old boar. But like others have said, all bears are different, body shapes and attitudes.

Do you have pictures of other bears in the same spot?
Could be younger but great genetics.
Could be younger but great

I’ve hunted this spot for 15 years and have probably seen 30-40 different bears. None close to this size doubt it was genetics. Odd that he (it) vanished the moment I got neighbors. Makes you scratch your head a little.

Anyway just wanted to share. Came across some old pics the other day. Thought the professional bear hunters out there might have some input and or find it interesting. Big ol bear here in NW Florida. Haha.
Really challenging to guess the exact size without an object of known size nearby for reference. It is certainly a large bear, the clearest indicator of it being a larger bear to me is the size of its ears. I also think it may be a sow in part because at least in this area large boars usually have broader heads rather than sows which tend towards long and narrow.
Knowing the size of something in the pic would help. There was a post a few years ago on here, huntwa or the fire' on bear weights. I had a few of mine on there scaled and we developed a formula that was pretty accurate.

Bears over #400 in the spring, in the nw are RARE. Fall bears might get close.....but #300 class is more in line with bigger bears in the nw. There are some that will be utter pigs, but again...rare.
What exactly goes into canning bear meat? Is it just a brine you can it in or what?
No brine, just a little salt and pepper, I like keeping it simple and add to it when using it if you want to, but the canned bear meat really speaks for itself, it doesn’t need anything added to it.

can just like you would anything else, look up canning deer meat and do the same.

canned bear enchiladas are money, makes good stroganoff, and about a million other good meals, and it makes dinner easy when you use canned meat, and you can have pretty good food storage without using your freezer.

it’s seriously good and very versatile, and convenient