Esee Ashley or lt wright small

May 30, 2022
Of those two, I guess I’d go with the LT because of its thinner blade stock in a better steel.


Jul 23, 2022
We see a ton of LT Wrights come through our survival school and they have all been great performances and quality. My vote is for the LT. anything LT Wright, Bark River, White River, TOPS is pretty dang good. ESEE is no slouch either but I think they are more of a mass produced run of the mile type brand. I think your going to get more attention to detail and quality with the Wright.
Oct 25, 2012
I have the northern hunter, small norther hunter, and just ordered my wife the genesis. All from LT Wright. Love the knives. The norther hunters have Abe-l steel and the genesis has D2. It’s the carliegh Fairchild edition. She was on a season of alone and did over 80 days on the show using the exact same model. If it works for that, it will work breaking down some animals. Lol

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Oct 25, 2012
LT small what?

The small northern hunter has been the best designed game knife I have ever used.

I have that one but use the northern hunter more. That small knife is a beast though. I love them both!

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Mar 2, 2012
North Central Wi
I have that one but use the northern hunter more. That small knife is a beast though. I love them both!

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Iv got the big one as well and it’s also a great knife, I just prefer something smaller.

My second favorite from them is the jessmuk C, the genesis style handle with the finger scallops is one of my favorite
Feb 3, 2022
Reviving an old thread. I’ve owned and used both of these knives. As another poster mentioned, the AGK is pretty thick for a purpose built game processing knife. It’s not a huge hindrance but is kind of annoying. The handle ergonomics are phenomenal however. I’ve only used the original 1095 AGK but I’d imagine the contoured scales on the new stainless version are even better. 1095HC is easy to sharpen but doesn’t hold an edge as well as most modern steels. I’ve traded and bought and sold a few times, used a few bark river offerings, an argali serac, and a few others and ultimately got my hands on an LT small northern hunter then promptly sold all my other hunting knives. In my opinion it’s one of the finest game processing tools I’ve owned. Admittedly I’m a sucker for more traditional knife aesthetics which initially motivated my purchase, but after using it, I’m sold on it and I recommend it to everyone. Mine is in 3V with basic green micarta scales.